Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: The "other side's response" to that 60 Minutes story


At least you have and can AFFORD to go to all these second, third, fourth,
fifth, and so on doctors. It is very few people in this country who are as
lucky as you are, Nedra. My mother is a board certified psychiatrist and has
state health insurance whose premium is 10% of her income. And she STILL
can't get "second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on" opinions.

You are lucky. The rest of us NEED public health care.


"If cognitive dissonance teaches us nothing else, it's that you have the
power to convince yourself." -my professor/advisor/mentor

"You can't change the future; you can only change the present. But if you
change the present, then the future changes automatically." -my

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 10:04, nedra3boys2001 <> wrote:

> HI,
> I am a political news junkie. I also know a lot about David Axelrod and his
> development of astroturfing ( creating of false sense of public ground swell
> of support for a concept or product, his company which specializes in this
> service, ect). I STRONLY AGREE with Michelle Malkin.
> Why? Because despite the fact that I have 3 special needs children and many
> major health issues myself, I do NOT want the government running my or my
> family health care. My son with uncontrolled seizures went to more than a
> half dozen neurologists. Most said take him to a psychiatrist, it is autism
> and not seizure and don't bother ever coming back here, stop those seizure
> meds. Except the head of a major ped hospital, that ped neuro wanted all the
> seizure meds except the one causing brain atrophy to CONTINUE not for
> seizure control, he said there were no seizures. He wanted it continued for
> mood reasons. And once other doctors heard he said that, they didn't
> seriously consider the case, head guy had spoken.
> So I don't want the government plan because I want to be able to go to get
> second, third, fourth, and more opinions because those other opinions saved
> my son from seizure more times than I can count. Those neuros were wrong. My
> son had a difficult case but they didn't want to hear it. I have closely
> followed the proposed plans and I would not have the options to go to other
> doctors. Also the number of doctors has a risk of dropping as do the
> selection of medications.
> So Malkin is right, Axelrod has a family story but to play it yet again,
> yes I have the Parade story, to get support for legislation that would
> affect MY FAMILY but not his makes me furious! They can rename the bill,
> mislead about states opting out ( yeah you still PAY FOR IT) but it will
> change medicine in this country and not for the better. I also have worked
> in the medical field and we need to tort reform and to be able to shop for
> insurance state to state. Those things are not being considered while taking
> over a major aspect of our lives is.
> So I am sorry for the suffering of the Axelrod family but not to the point
> of letting it ruin my family's medical care!!! He sure isn't letting my
> family's suffering alter his legislation! Where is HIS COMPASSION? Must have
> left that in Chicago.
> In Christ,
> Nedra 2 of 5,
> Borg Mom Resistance is Futile in finding what works for my kids with God's
> help
> Nick, 23, AS, ADHD, + CAPD
> Ben, 21, AS + ADHD
> Matt, 18, very AS, ADHD,+Complex Partial Seizures of the Temporo- Limbic
> region
> God knew there would be children with Autism - and in honor of them He made
> the planets in the solar system spin round and round, round and round.....
> Author, unknown
> and all the accomplishments of my family are a gift from God

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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