Saturday, October 31, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: exposure for epilepsy


Hi Sue,

I responded before to your post about 60 minutes. You mentioned the seizures shown on the show. Well, I only had 3 grand mals in my life, my first at 15 months into my life. Was then seizure free that I know of for the next 16 years. Then complex partials and sometime auras after that, now and then simple partials, also 2 grand mals back in 1975 and 1976. My brain was still devastated. Like I said, my left side shriveled up from the electrical shocks it was hit with back in 1959 and ever since 1975. The words "brain devastated" truly explains how epilepsy affected my brain. But hey, whats to hide, those words are the truth! So what being brain devastated? It didn't stop me from hiking in the mountains, bicycling 20 miles each ride no matter what the temperature, walking, tennis not matter the temperature, traveling, living an active life! I couldn't drive for 20 years because of epilepsy! Had surgery 3 years ago, and so far am still seizure free. Been driving again for over a year. And ya, I'm still brain devasted, they are just words which are honest words! So what, I have epilepsy, that's just me! Take care, keep a smile on your face!


--- In, "SueW" <gswidemark@...> wrote:
> For people with or know someone with EpiAfter watching the videos which were shared here and which stated that 50 million people have epilepsy, I ask - do all 50 million want to be represented as having a "terminal" "brain devastating" disease? May I remind that those who suffer that type of seizure are a very small percentage and most folks with a seizure disorder are normal to high achievers? Many high IQ folks also....
> For example: Nathen Milstein who was one of the world's greatest violinists and so forth.
> No wonder so many are hesitant to admit having it. With that type of publicity, who wants to be thus branded... :( How about some REAL awareness of epilepsy... like... your neighbor who looks totally "normal" may actually have it?
> Sue
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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