Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re:Seizure in public


On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Tammy Wolfgram <>wrote:

> Hi Jackie,
> I think that is part of the reason that the stigma surrounding
> epilepsy lingers. People hide it instead of being loud and proud.

Heh heh not me- I wear it on my wrist with this attractive silver medical
bracelet I found on ebay. If I ever hide my epilepsy it's to prevent 911
calls. Epilepsy puts you in bad situations and forces you to make horrible
decisions. Again and again, throughout your life. It gives you a steady
stream of horrible stories to tell. I talk about it all the time... I have
so many stories by now.

Actually I still think it's one of the most interesting diseases you can
have. Think of your other organs. Would you rather have something wrong with
your liver? Or your kidneys, or intestines? When I had ulcerative colitis
throughout college I had to go to the bathroom 15 times a day. I lost blood
every time. It totally ruined college for me. Then it mysteriously went
away. But the epilepsy continued to generate interesting stories in a way
that the ulcerative colitis didn't. Toilets just aren't as interesting as


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