Saturday, October 31, 2009

[epilepsy] Son on Trileptal for 5 years


       If your boy is old enough to understand how he feels if he has auras, or when he has an aura, see and listen from him just how he thinks about his condition. I had my 1st grand mal at 9 years old 2nd one at 10 as my 1st petit mal was at 5 months old. I had petit mals all in between the times of my 1st and 2nd grand mals as my 3rd grand mal was when I was 30. I am not saying your boy may make the right choice for himself. However if Trileptal is one of the medicines that can have MSG in it, NEVER let him continue to take it. Type in GOOGLE What should I know about MSG.  After reading what you read, contact your represenative in congress and senate along with the FDA.  I personally believe my condition was created thanks to MSG in baby foods and milk formula back in 1960 & 61. No doctor can tell me that it did nor can not happen that way to me then or any infants today. Anyone can ask  yourselves, if I am wrong, "" not
saying I'm right"" Why are more infants than ever and young children are being diagnosed with seizure conditions and other neurological conditions than ever before ? Kids did not have a computer in the 60's & 70's. Kids in those years were too busy playing running doing whatever we did instead of eating and playing on a video game for hours. Hmmm MSG from the food and magnetic radiation from computer screens and flashing lights from games. We did not have that problem in the 60's & 70's.   MSG has been in the flu shots and immunization shots over the past several years for younger ones in more medicines besides just what they put  in our AED's. Aspartame is used as well in the drugs. I believe if EVERYONE who reads this WOULD CALL CONGRESS and tell them what medicines we take that MSG is in as MSG causes seizures as I WELL KNOW,  How could they ignore us all ? They have ignored me as most in here have too. But maybe it took the drug
companies to actually do the evil that I have said that's been going on for at least 49 years. Kids candy today has more MSG in it than ever before as well. Our FDA and food companies are destroying a generation and there rewards from it seems to be millions & millions of dollars spent on more foods, medical tests and medicines in controling whatever the medical problem is. Who buys the food, gets the tests done and takes the medicines?  Not the food industrys CEO's and the FDA drug makers.  Try NO MSG !!!!!!  in foods, drinks and drugs.   This all makes me sick and to think nothing will get done to stop it. The young kids and infants of today deserves what I and some others have lived with for ever ?  How can anyone say YES to that and do NOTHING ?  I guess in this world today, that can easily be accepted. Really ? MSG also can create future discrimmination, future rejection, & etc..... as some of you will prove my point.

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