Friday, October 30, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Numbness in leg a seizure?


Hi Trish,

Thanks for your reply.  What type of seizures do you have?  Take care.


From: trish schobert <>
Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 5:37:41 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Numbness in leg a seizure?

 for me it is asiezure but with your back problems it might not be. the only way to know for sure is an e.e.g..
                         Trish (jiminycricketblue)

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From: Terry Martin <trm0818@yahoo. com>
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
Sent: Thu, October 29, 2009 11:51:35 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Numbness in leg a seizure?

Hi Everyone,

I had an appointment with a pain specialist today because I have been having a lot of lower back pain, and I have moderate spinal stenosis in the lumbar area.   I have also been having numbness in my left leg at times.  The doctor seemed very interested in the types of seizures that I have and asked about the meds I am taking and when my last EEG was.  Could numbess in my leg be a type of seizure?  It comes and goes and there is no specific type of movement that seems to bring it on.   I was diagnosed with grand mal and absence seizures, which have been controlled.  I have had auras occasionally but they have not been followed by a seizure.  This took me by surprise and now I am concerned that it may be a type of seizure.  Does anyone know if this could be related to epilepsy or is it more likely to be related to problems with my lower back?  Thank you and take care.


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