Friday, October 2, 2009

[fast5] One month down and counting!


Hi, all. I've been doing Fast-5 for one month now and have lost 16
pounds. My total weight loss goal is 150 pounds, so I'm 10% down and
90% to go. But I am optimistic, because I'm NOT HUNGRY. If I were
hungry, as I always was on traditional diets, I would not succeed. I do
restrict calories on the Fast-5 because I am morbidly obese and do not
want to wait 3 years to reach my goal. By combining the 5-hour eating
window with a 1400 cal/day limit, I am losing 3-4 pounds per week.

I don't know why I'm not hungry, but I can only suppose it's because of
the metabolic happenings described in the good doctor's little book.

I will try to post on my monthly anniversaries, and would enjoy hearing
from anyone else who, like me, has a LOT of weight to lose.


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