Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: Seizures and Medications

Tammy- Megans' mom,

Why is Megan not on depakote any more? What sz does she have.
I forgot. Sorry.

I think I would ask her Dr.. she may need a combination.

I take 3 100 gr Dilantin on Mon, Wed and Fri and 4 the other
days because taking that much Dilantin every day of the week
was too much for me. I also take 4 - 30 gr phenabarb every
day. I just worked with my Dr.


> Hi all,
> As I read others' messages, I am noticing that everyone seems to be
> on lower doses of meds than Megan is. And Megan still hasn't gotten
> total control of her seizures. I realize everyone reacts differently
> to medication, but do you think the high dosages that Megan requires
> indicates that she might be better on a different drug? Or that they
> might want to add a different drug to the mix? I have to add here
> that I am extremely frustrated, as she used to have almost complete
> control of her seizures when on depakote, even though she was not
> always compliant on taking her meds. Now she has at least a seizure a
> month..... and I know that may not seem like much to some of you, but
> this is supposed to be one of the easier forms of epilepsy to control!
> Take care,
> Tammy

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