I had a couple of those ambulatory EEG's as a child. We did tell the school that I was going to have one, and for the teachers to watch out for me. I was afraid that the other kids would try to pull my electrodes off my head, but they didn't. In fact, they were more curious about the whole thing than anything else. I even made a few Frankenstein jokes about them, so they laughed WITH me, not AT me. It really didn't cause me too much stress aside from just the initial nervousness of having it on in school. I also asked the teacher if I could do a little "show and tell" about it so my classmates wouldn't wonder why I have these wires glued to my head.
I actually don't know if wearing a hat would be the best idea, though. As I recall, the doctor said that he was afraid the electrodes would come loose if I wore a hat. Of course that was almost thirty years ago (yikes! I'm gettting old! lol), and I'm sure that a lot of improvements have taken place since then. I had a box I wore that was about the size of a VHS tape, or something like that, and the electrodes were about the size of a pencil eraser. Anyway, if she has a circle of friends that she can trust, they'll watch her back, as well as her teachers. Tell her to stay strong and be open about it if anyone asks, and if anyone does pick on her, she sshould go to the nearest teacher or person in authority and report it. She may get called a tattle-tale for it, but it's the best thing she can do.
God Bless,
--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup
> Ok anyone who has had to an ambulatory EEG while in school. Whether it was
> u (as a child) or ur child.....
> How was the experience, do u think it caused u more stress to help a seizure
> actually show up on ur EEG.
> How to approach the school, so she may wear a hat that day.
> She has enough trouble with boys teasing her in her one class - they say she
> is ugly like her art work - Mindy is very sensitive to this and it caused
> her to have an anxiety (panic) attack last time it happened. The boys did
> get in trouble over it, but not til Monday - as it happened at end of period
> on Friday.
> Any suggestions to make this easier on her? I have to call tomorrow to
> schedule the appt to have her "wired for sound" and then go to school the
> next day all wired up.
> Thanks for any and all suggestions
> Uggie
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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