Wednesday, April 1, 2009

[epilepsy] Ambulatory EEGs

Ok anyone who has had to an ambulatory EEG while in school. Whether it was
u (as a child) or ur child.....

How was the experience, do u think it caused u more stress to help a seizure
actually show up on ur EEG.
How to approach the school, so she may wear a hat that day.

She has enough trouble with boys teasing her in her one class - they say she
is ugly like her art work - Mindy is very sensitive to this and it caused
her to have an anxiety (panic) attack last time it happened. The boys did
get in trouble over it, but not til Monday - as it happened at end of period
on Friday.

Any suggestions to make this easier on her? I have to call tomorrow to
schedule the appt to have her "wired for sound" and then go to school the
next day all wired up.

Thanks for any and all suggestions


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