Saturday, October 3, 2009

Re: [Prince-4ever] Re: Q.O.T.D. The Bootlegs ...


I'm almost 100% certain Prince had nothing 2 do with the boots. He had engineer staff and people who worked soundboards and worked directly with him who were sharing the latest tracks with their friends. If he gave a tape 2 a friend or girlfriend and she shared it, it was just out and there was nothing he could do about it. I got one personally that way. They shared with one friend and that friend shared (just as I did) and someone with dupe equipment got a copy and it goes public from there. I know he hated it because I made the mistake of mentioning some of the spots in NYC where I bought certain boots in a story I wrote and stupidly gave 2 Prince. He seemed 2 appreciate it and asked me if I wrote it. I said yes. But there was no way in heaven I thought he would even look at it after I gave it to him. About a month later his people had confiscated all the boots in all my favorite stores in the village and they blamed me. I was pissed and blamed myself as well. I learned then not 2 tell Prince a damn thing. The best was when he sang "The Ryde" at the Love Experience show at the Palladium. It was not released but almost the whole audience started singing the song before he opened his mouth. He was so pissed he just turned his back on us. But then he got over it and kept singing. But knowing Prince he probably couldn't sleep from trying 2 find a way 2 end all the leakage. I think he was able 2 stop some of the leaks by only dealing with people he had contracts with not 2 share. I think I managed 2 get "3121" before it was release (one of the recent albums anyway) but I think that was because he had some kinda listing party and someone swiped a copy and sent it 2 the digital garden LOL. That's how it happens. He's managed 2 control it quite well and that sucks. I'm spoiled and greedy and it's 2 late 4 him 2 try 2 change that now :-P


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Roland(Rollie Rol) <> wrote:

If u ask me I think Prince had something 2 do with the boots back then. #1 there were far 2 many out there, #2 a lot of them were very intimate & studio or soundboards, and #3 he writes & records so fast and Warners weren't allowing him 2 put out his music at the same pace he was creating it. I don't think buying the boots takes away of any appreciation of the music I think it helps us 2 appreciate it more because we see more sides of the musician, fast 4ward 2 now...Prince has musical control of his material so buying the boots would be taking $ out of his pocket....I have 2 admit I have a lot of old boots that I bought at a spot in nyc in the village mostly but here in Philly all the record stores uses 2 have Prince boots...this place in nyc used 2 have rows & rows of boots, there was no way back then that I could've bought them all because they were so expensive at the time but back then I was ALWAYS on the hunt 4 boots, I have vinyl & cd boots and 2 be honest all of Prince's music hasn't been returned 2 him legally as of yet so I may be tempted 2 buy more boots! LOL After the way Warners did him I wouldn't want them 2 get a piece of any $$ I spend on Prince!


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--- On Fri, 10/2/09, jermaine_b_2000 <> wrote:

From: jermaine_b_2000 <>
Subject: [Prince-4ever] Re: Q.O.T.D. The Bootlegs ...Date: Friday, October 2, 2009, 11:43 AM


--- In Prince-4ever@ yahoogroups. com, Tanya Taylor <musiconlove@ ...> wrote:
> Ironic question
> I was just listening to Crystal Ball the Official release of the bootlegs of the 80s and early 90's i'd have to guess on today.  I do not believe that it takes away from the official releases if anything it creates a fuller picture of the mindset and music Prince was making during these years.  I think it is a good thing to own the boots and it doesn't make you any less of a fan if you don't.  Truth be told I don't own any of the boots from the 80's (only the official releases of the Black Album and Crystal Ball in 90's when P was battling WB) but I heard plenty about them. I also hear that the studio releases are not the same as those released in the 90's.  I was a child at that time but into Prince but I didn't have any money back then.  LOL! 
> ____________ _________ _________ _________ ________
> "Everybody Make Music, Everybody Make Love"
> Prince song United States of Division &#39;04<style type="text/css" ></style>
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: ~*[[PFL]]*~ <qaidsharif@ ...>
> To: The PMM Yahoo! Group <purplemusicmansion@ yahoogroups. com>; The FloridaNPG Yahoo! Group <TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com>
> Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2009 12:41:32 PM
> Subject: [Prince-4ever] Q.O.T.D. The Bootlegs ...
> Here's a Q.O.T.D. (Question of The Day):
> For the fam that have bootlegs  (I'm not tryin' to put anybody on "BLAST") & those who do not have boots:
> Does anyone believe that having bootlegs in their collection of Prince music take away from the appreciation of the albums and
> official releases that have been released?
> I don't think they take away anything from the official releases because the official ones always have much more musical & vocal detail.Speaking of which, does anyone know what the reverse vocals on "Boom" from the Lotusflow3r c.d are?Or maybe software i could use to play music backwards?

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