Friday, October 2, 2009

[epilepsy] You should see me OMG


I was riding home on Stevens Creek Boulevard in Cupertino (driving past the
Apple Campus in fact) and remember thinking, oooh, when you see an aura like
this you'd better get off the bike, you a-hole, right now...

and then the next thing I remember, I was getting up off the ground,
standing the bike up, after some struggle, and some dude on the sidewalk
asked "are you alright?" I said yeah, I was fine... although the damage to
the bike meant I had to walk it home. The front tire had a hole blown right
through it. And the handlebars were bent.

"I have to walk this thing home and go to sleep," I said, "but I live close
to here." Sort of.

I walked the bike across Sunnyvale (a nice suburban hell) and first I walked
a mile in the wrong way and hit Stelling (wrong way)... which really pizzed
me off. I hate doing stupid things doing seizures. So I did a U-turn and
traced back the mile, then continued for four miles, across each mile
marker: DeAnza Blvd., Wolfe Blvd., Lawrence Expressway... and I was
incredibly happy to get home.

I stayed home on one day but felt it necessary to come in to work on Friday
- finish up some loose ends that people were counting on me for
- show off my horrible wounds to get unspoken conversation going about how
bad everyone feels for me and how I must be incredibly tough


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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