From my experience of BIA, instant estimates (and don't forget that's what they are) of proportions of fat, fat-free mass, and bone are affected too much by water levels, gut contents, etc. to be reliable over the short term. If you're not convinced of this, just try weighing yourself at different times of day - e.g. before and after eating - or have a couple of glasses of water and then weigh yourself again.
The best way to use BIA is not to record measurements too frequently, but select a longer period (a month would probably be best). Then take a measurement at the same time of day (e.g. after rising), for two or three days and take the average to be the estimate for that period. Even then, it's not the absolute values that really matter, but the change over time. Again, don't forget the common-sense guidelines of how, for example, your waist measurements (mainly fat) are changing relative to, say, your arm or leg size (more muscle).
It's probable that some of your initial weight loss relates to hydration and other factors like gut contents, because every pound of genuine fat-loss has to be "paid for" by 3500 fewer calories absorbed. Thus consistent speed of fat-loss is basically going to be proportionate to overall calorie balance, and you could do some simple calculations on this to reassure yourself that you're not overdoing it. It doesn't sound as if you're expending an inordinate amount of calories on exercise, so just make sure that you don't reduce your food intake more than 500-750 calories per day, which with a bit of exercise will probably result in 4-8 lbs loss per month over the longer haul, mostly from fat reserves.
Two weeks passed after I started fast-5.
I lost about 11 pounds, and it seems that
more than half of the lost weight are fat.
After one week, I lost 3.5 lbs of fat and 1.3 lbs
of muscle according to body composition measurement via BIA.
I didn't have much difficulty in fasting and no dizziness, headache.
But I'm afraid of the speed of losing weight. Is it too fast?
Or is it normal?
Before I started fast-5, my weight was 176 lbs (5ft.6in height).
I do low intensity of weight lifting 3 times a week (no cardio).
During the eating window, I usually take one meal, some snacks
(fruits, milk, sometimes protein powder), and supplements
(Omega-3, vitamin).
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