Friday, January 29, 2010

Re: [epilepsy] Re: (epilepsy) Hit


Hi 'gain. The main stiklor for me and this Disability is this Legislated Poverty and Dependency; my drugs run into the thousands of dollars...a month, so I need the coverage to stay healthy.
But being told to stay in the poor house, dependant, not able to properly plan for some kind of financial security on myown apart from the government and the monthly pittance of a Below Poverty Level...although tax exempt...'allowance'; this just ALL runs against EVERYTHING I've been taught, believe in..feel good about..have confidence in.

And Canada is no better; worse in many's Liberalism run amok (we're Canadian from NS so I suppose I'm better qualified to make such an assessment).
My family in Canada has ourown horror stories about socialism run amok in the Great White North.

We always get a kick..albeit a sad kind of a kick...when our 'Leftie' friends extoll the virtues of the Liberal socialist model in Canada: Spoken by a True American (LOL)!!!!
True Canadians just look at ya like yer head is screwed on backwards..LOL.

Remember...Be careful what you ask for; you just might get it...LOL  ;)  !!

Poverty and Dependence...We HAVE to do better.

Strict limits are set by the government... ummm... I mean Politicians...Rich Politicians the U.S. AND in Canada that restrict our ability to see for ourselves; to make above a certain be able to invest and to save for unforseen for a secure financial future...
Talk about a 'Deal with the Devil', wot?


Maybe I'm just a contrarian; draw the line and I'll cross it.

From: Linda Hammond <>
Sent: Thu, January 28, 2010 7:34:59 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Re: (epilepsy) Hit

Doris, I have never applied for disability buy someone told me that my husband had too many assets
to receive disability, unless I was unmarried. And I can't get SSI either. I am 58 my hubby is almost
63 and he gets SS now.  I had my stitches out today and they had started to grow into my skin and they were really hurting.  The stitches felt like stickers before they were taken out.  I had 8 stitches
in my chin.  Thanks anyway.    Linda H.

____________ _________ _________ __
From: DorisY <dorisellen@nc.>
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 10:46:41 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: (epilepsy) Hit

Hi Linda,
I want to mention something that could be meaningful to you.
Ages ago, I heard an ad on the radio about disability and
epilepsy. I had never heard such a thing, and have not heard
it again either. I applied for disability and it took awhile
after with forms and necessary appointment for more forms, but
it went through positive and I got disability check for at least
20 years, then I was social-security age, so it just changed to
regular medicare check. Since I had been getting the other check
for so long, it was considerably higher than it would have been
since I did not work since getting married in 1968. I went for
the brain surgery and it was covered under disability. If by
chance you have not efforted this yet, you might take the time and
look into it. It was really worth it to me. Good luck.

--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup, Linda Hammond <lindahammond91@ ...> wrote:
> doris, I am on Keppera and Zonagran and Citalopram for depression. Maybe I did not tell you that but I have been. But they are still not controlled and if I take more meds. it makes no difference either. We have no insurance so having surgery could not be an option for me anyway. Vagus nerve stimulator did not work for me either back when we did have insurance. I only have seizures a few times a month and the amount also depends on my stress levels.  Linda H.
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