Friday, January 1, 2010

[fast5] A place to log my thoughts...


Greetings to all! I was thinking I should keep a log of my progress and experiences on the Fast 5. I decided to keep it here in the hope that I may help or encourage others. My beginning weight was 127 lbs and I currently wear a size 10 pants. I am 5' 1" with a tiny frame, my ring size is a 2 - no joke. So although 127 may not sound like a lot, it is too much for my frame. Be warned this is my journal so there will be much rambling and randomness, :)

I learned of the Fast 5 way of eating from a friend at work. I downloaded the eBook, read it, thought it sounded reasonable and decided to give it a try. I prayed for guidance and began on December 15, 2009. I awoke on December 16 from the deepest, most restful sleep I have ever had - before the alarm went off. I was rested, alert and ready to start the day, something that has never happened to me before. I didn't have my usual "ugh, it's too early" thought. I also noticed that morning (and each morning since then) that I dreamed more vividly and remembered my dreams. When I was younger I remembered my dreams but haven't been in the last few years. I started cold turkey. The first few days I dealt with hunger headaches, a little dizziness, tiredness in the afternoon, and a very vocal tummy. The third and fourth days were hard. I had to keep out of the kitchen, fortunately I have teenagers so they can cook for themselves. I drank loads of water and tea. My friend suggested quickly drinking a cup of water when I was feeling hungry. This helped a lot. I learned by experience that the water should not be ice cold, ouch. On the 21st of December my husband and I celebrated our 20th Wedding Anniversary. All day visions of dinner at my favorite restaurant were dancing through my head. I stuck to the plan by reminding myself how VICTORY would make dinner that much better! And it did! What freedom and joy in knowing that I didn't have to worry about what kind of dressing to have on my salad; no guilt over ordering those divine garlic mashed potatoes; and the chocolate...ahhhh. On Christmas my family and I go see a movie (Sherlock Holmes this year). I just scheduled a day off and didn't stress out about it. I wanted to eat my weight in popcorn! When I got home I started cooking Christmas dinner, didn't eat anything until dinner). We had a wonderful dinner and wine. The best thing was weighing myself the next day and seeing a drop in my weight. It was mind boggling.

My husband has been very supportive. I am thrilled to report that he has decided to join me in this way of eating. He started cold turkey yesterday (Dec 31). This is great since he has a few health issues that would be resolved by losing 75lbs.

I have taken two days off since beginning and still continue to lose weight. My weigh in yesterday was 119.6 lbs. I have noticed the first few days back are difficult but the weight I've lost keeps me motivated. I'm a little concerned about how I'll handle any plateaus that come along. I'm hoping to find some posts that talk about those experiences. Thanks to those that started this support group.




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