Friday, October 2, 2009

Re: [Prince-4ever] [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee


Ahh ... The years of the NPG Music Club, how I miss em ...
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]

From: Roland(Rollie Rol) <>
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2009 7:24:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Prince-4ever] Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee


Yes u are bringing back memories..I was at the Love4OneAnother tour, Jam of They Year tour, One Nite Alone soundcheck and remember back then the "other" fams were looking like how are they getting in! I was in like the 3rd row 4 that soundcheck and even though I had been up front at many shows b4 this was so much better because it was intimate! I haven't missed a Prince tour since 1999, except 4 3121 Las Vegas & the Los Angeles shows a couple of years ago. Trust me if I still lived in Los Angeles I would NOT have paid a bill that month so that I could've seen my lil Prince! Oh I didn't get 2 any Celebration shows and was mad I didn't forgo a bill then and go because everyone I know talked so much about those shows and everyone I know now through these groups still talks about those shows. But when I was a part of NPGMC I started off paying that $7.77 then he changed it 2 the yearly membership and it was ON & POPPING from the BEGINNING!!! !  We go SOOOO much music & extra stuff man so I understand & can relate 2 how everyone feels about the LotusFlow3r site. I mean when it was first announced I was soooo happy and thought it would be like NPGMC but unfortunately it's NOT. I mean the other thing about NPGMC is u had the member blogs & news & updates and the different rooms u could go look at and the inspirational room with the quotes & stuff, and the vault room. Even 3121 was a better site & it had less features than NPGMC, I loved the Love4OneAnother site and remember the EMALE site. Remember when Crystal Ball came out and the lyric site was up? I know Prince doesn't do many "do-overs" but I hope he revamps LotusFlow3r! I used 2 go on all the previous sites many times a day but I have yet 2 join LotusFlow3r because I feel like there's nothing 2 look 4ward 2.


Amateurs...built the ark.
Professionals. ..built the Titanic!!

--- On Thu, 10/1/09, Lan <diamonds_n_pearls67> wrote:

From: Lan <diamonds_n_pearls67>
Subject: Re: [Prince-4ever] Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee
To: Prince-4ever@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 4:50 PM


OMG....I LOVED being a member of the NPGMC and never once did I feel I spent too much money to be one ..and the benefits were WONDERFUL!! ....admission to soundcheck for One Nite Alone tour....first sales tickets and getting 5th row seating at...was it Jam of the Year?? of the concerts...AMAZING seats!! ...and going to the Celebration? !?!??! ...that alone was worth being a member!! ..I do truly miss those days...and I am also one who has not joined Lotusflow3r. ...not that I don't think he's worth the money, but I just haven't heard that you get any real benefits yet....but I'm listening to all the talk VERY closely in case I DO need to join!!
So I'm officially a former NPGMC member along with PFL who longs for the good ole days...

Stay Safe, Stay Happy and Continue to Find Reasons to Smile!!!!

--- On Thu, 10/1/09, ~*[[PFL]]*~ <qaidsharif@yahoo. com> wrote:

From: ~*[[PFL]]*~ <qaidsharif@yahoo. com>
Subject: [Prince-4ever] Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 11:40 AM

You ain't wrong for that Rollie Rol, I'm feeling like people are waiting for P to tour the states before they join but I've been seeing that other sites have been making it that fans buy tickets from "their" sites and not LotusFlow3r. com. This discussion has me think: what is the site for again? Why did we join? I always say and echo the term: "it's all about being there", from Uptown and I still will continue to be there but I find that we're not being "silent" about what we like and some of us do not like about the LotusFlow3r. com site.

It seems I'm not the only former NPG Music Club member that's "missing" good ole NPGMC.
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
http://launch. com/group/ TheFloridaNPG/
http://launch. com/group/ PurpleMusicMansi on/
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]

From: Roland(Rollie Rol) <rhj716@yahoo. com>
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2009 12:48:12 AM
Subject: Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee

Joyce I feel EXACTLY the way u do...I have kept silent about the site all this time and I when it first opened I didn't have the money but at that time I was gonna splurge and spend the money but I've been watching what everyone has been saying on all the groups and I don't feel like I'm missing everything and in the beginning I felt so left out and was scared I was gonna miss some great new vids or exclusive songs or concert tix like NPGMC but I haven't missed anything yet so until things change I will keep my $77 in my pocket. When NPGMC first opened I didn't wanna spend the $100 but I did and I got way more than my $100's worth. I love Prince and support him 4ever but I'm going 2 wait until things change with LotusFlow3r


Amateurs...built the ark.
Professionals. ..built the Titanic!!

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Joyce Wiggins <joycenakiawiggins@> wrote:

From: Joyce Wiggins <joycenakiawiggins@>
Subject: Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 2:25 PM

i was waiting for people to get on and be like "WOW DID YOU SEE THE NEW "THING" THAT THAT POSTING ON LOTUSFLOW3R. OR DID YOUR HEAR WHAT WAS GOING ON OVER THERE ON THE SITE?" But i haven't heard anything and its making a little happy that i didnt spend the money, i do want to join but when there is enough things going on that make me feel i have spent money on a piece of classic Prince history

--- On Tue, 9/29/09, ~*[[PFL]]*~ <qaidsharif@yahoo. com> wrote:

From: ~*[[PFL]]*~ <qaidsharif@yahoo. com>
Subject: Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 5:09 PM

Actually, I meant to say "I do" get you ...
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
http://launch. com/group/ TheFloridaNPG/
http://launch. com/group/ PurpleMusicMansi on/
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]

From: ~*[[PFL]]*~ <qaidsharif@yahoo. com>
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 5:07:41 PM
Subject: Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee

No, I don't get you but not to say anything against P's new site but there's not a lot going on, so I'd say, don't join. Unless "we" tell you that things really have picked up.
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
http://launch. com/group/ TheFloridaNPG/
http://launch. com/group/ PurpleMusicMansi on/
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]

From: Joyce Wiggins <joycenakiawiggins@>
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4:40:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee


--- On Mon, 9/28/09, ~*[[PFL]]*~ <qaidsharif@yahoo. com> wrote:

From: ~*[[PFL]]*~ <qaidsharif@yahoo. com>
Subject: Re: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, September 28, 2009, 6:10 PM

Personally speaking: I joined just to say I was a member and I "PRAYED" there would be more going on then a cool new t-shirt and recycled videos and performances (not that I'm complaining) .
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
http://launch. com/group/ TheFloridaNPG/
http://launch. com/group/ PurpleMusicMansi on/
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]

From: Joyce Wiggins <joycenakiawiggins@>
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 4:13:27 PM
Subject: [TheFloridaNPG] $77 Membership Fee

From hearing everyone talk about what is and what isnt on the LOTUFLOW3R site, was it worth paying the $77 for the membership?

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