Friday, October 2, 2009

Re: [fast5] One month down and counting!


Hi Linda and Everyone!
I've been a lurking.  I like to do that when I join a group to get a feel for the atmosphere of the group.
I'm on my second week and have lost 3 lbs.  At the beginning of this week I had regained one lb.  but have since lost it again.  So, the grand total is 3lbs.
My problem with weight isn't that I eat too much.  I only have 1/4 of my thyroid.  I'm never hungry and this was never what my problem was.  I'm also in menopause.  So, when you add these two factors together it adds up to no thyroid function.  Can't afford going to a Doctor for all the testing either. 
I read online somewhere...don't remember where (I belong to a lot of groups on diet)....that if you went on a daily fast, such as fast five, coupled with the types of foods that you eat...low carbs, high fat, then you can get your thyroid to work again. 
For 4 years now I've tried everything to lose weight and all I got was weight gain.  I even worked out 2 hours a day to no avail.  So, I'm sure you can understand how happy I am with the loss of 3 lbs.
I do drink olive leaf tea during the day.  I drink it with only stevia added.  Olive leaf tea can regulate your blood sugar, help with high blood pressure, help you feel more energetic, and keep the flu away.  These are only a few of the many benefits of olive leaf tea.
I will, from time to time, keep you updated as to my progression.  I thank you all for listening to me.
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:45 AM, linda.eichblatt <> wrote:

Hi, all. I've been doing Fast-5 for one month now and have lost 16
pounds. My total weight loss goal is 150 pounds, so I'm 10% down and
90% to go. But I am optimistic, because I'm NOT HUNGRY. If I were
hungry, as I always was on traditional diets, I would not succeed. I do
restrict calories on the Fast-5 because I am morbidly obese and do not
want to wait 3 years to reach my goal. By combining the 5-hour eating
window with a 1400 cal/day limit, I am losing 3-4 pounds per week.

I don't know why I'm not hungry, but I can only suppose it's because of
the metabolic happenings described in the good doctor's little book.

I will try to post on my monthly anniversaries, and would enjoy hearing
from anyone else who, like me, has a LOT of weight to lose.



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