Friday, October 2, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Surgery to stop Seizures?


Donna my name is Brian.
I had brain surgery back in 1999.
there are a bunch of tests before surgery.
i had a video eeg.
that's where you will have the eeg wires one end of course on your head the
other hooked up to a box which has a cord going to the wall(long cord)
you will have the eeg connected 24 hours even when using bathroom
the video part means you'll be on videotape all the time except while using
the bathroom so doctors can evaluate your eeg results to your physical
movements if any on video.
after that i had a wada test done.
a wada test is where they put one half of your brain asleep and ask you
things like what you see while one half of the brain is awake. then they do
the same thing just change which side is asleep and which is awake. (its a
memory test) The benefits must out way the risks for some doctors for them to
feel comfortable giving you the ok to have a surgery.
surgery itself that was simple just lay there and sleep.
after surgery for me i was told prior to surgery i would have a migrain
24/7 for about 6 months. (had one for 7 months) was told i might have migrains
more often for the rest of my life. I now have at least 2 migrains a day
sometimes i have a migrain that lasts a week 24/7.
i look at it like this.
i rather have the migrains then the seizures.
i am now seizure free 10 years. used to have 20-50 seizures per day.
if theres anything else you need let me know and ill do my best to have an
Brian Mills

In a message dated 10/2/2009 6:52:23 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Hello Everyone,
I am thinking about surgery to stop or slow down my seizures all info
welcomed. Please explain what you had to go thru, before, during and after the

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