Thursday, October 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] EP/Seizures, How does one explain to others?


Donnas,  I know what you mean about people not understanding as sometimes my dr does not understand my way of thinking.  he says what do you mean isay i can not explain it any other way as i can not find the words.  Nancy

From: DonnaM <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 10:02:17 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] EP/Seizures, How does one explain to others?

I wonder how does one with EP/seizures explain to others their symptoms, types of seizures, the effects on how one feels after a seizure. I try explaining to others my symptoms etc and yet they don't seem to react with interest or know how to react I tend to feel at times that I am not smart enough, they don't seem to understand that when someone has a seizure it may affect our memory, thinking. That when I have a seizure no matter how small I can't thing quickly, solve problems/issues quickly, tend to forget easily.

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