Friday, October 2, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Any suggestions? HELP!!!


Hi Carolyn,

Don't feel like an idiot. Everyone is different as well as how seizues affect others.  I have a friend who has had more seizures than I and he still does alot of things as well as refusing to get of Dilantin which clearly is not working for him.  I don't know how many seizures he has weekly but more than I care to have myself.  I wonder if this person has something else going on causing the seizures. Has he been tested for results, causes?

From: Carolyn Burby <>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2009 3:35:27 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Any suggestions? HELP!!!

Hi, Carolyn here haven't been on in awhile, moving looking for work, etc. Anyway I have a question.
I have been on a chat group with someone with similar epilepsy as myself. He wanted me to talk with a woman who's son can have up to 1000 seizures in a weekend, never said how many in a week. She wants my advice but all I could say is "Should he be in the hospital" or "What about his meds?"  She said nothing works
Does anyone here have any ideas of how to help? I felt like a jerk because I don't know what to say. I have had epilepsy for 32 years but nothing this severe. Maybe you guys can help me. You may know more than me because believe me I feel like an idiot. I would be interested in knowing also on hw to respond.
If anyone has ideas can you let me know also? I would be interested. I can

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