I really don't think that is what they really mean when cure is stated. I think it has to do with finding more ways for medications to help the first time being used, new electrical devices that help, maybe making ways for when surgery being performed to be more advanced - etc. When I had this one doctor he was well respected, still is just not here in louisiana any more - he was constantly trying to find ways on how to make my life better. There were times when I would see him and I would stay there for hours. He was trying to learn more to see if this or that could help. Also there were times once I left he would have his nurse call letting me know of information I needed or info. he could use for a project he was working on.
The more doctors learn and keep trying you never know what to expect now & in the future to come.
--- On Mon, 10/26/09, Robert Shaffer <robert_shaffer51@
From: Robert Shaffer <robert_shaffer51@
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] about 60 minutes
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
Date: Monday, October 26, 2009, 11:17 PM
A cure for epilepsy? There never will be. The reason is this: epilepsy is caused by a varying number of factors: genetics; falls; car accidents; medical mistakes.... ... need I go on? Therefore, since there is no cure for medical/hospital mistakes; car/motorcycle/ bike accidents; or(as in my case) brain tumor removal as an infant, epilepsy wiill continue to be treatable, but unable to be fully eradicated.
An experienced mind,
--- On Mon, 10/26/09, Millie Myers <mylmy@gogreencroft
From: Millie Myers <mylmy@gogreencroft
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] about 60 minutes
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup s.com
Date: Monday, October 26, 2009, 10:08 PM
Seedsaver, Sorry--Don't know your name
I agree. There was so much more that could have been said about
we who have EP. I think there should be a whole hour or 2 where
it tells of some of us who are pretty much controlled, the dogs
people have, the methods we use to remind us to take our meds,
triggers for some, etc.
Of course it was put on by CURE and they want to get money to
cure EP. That is why I think they kept it at that level. I don't know
as that will ever happen -- because the brain is so complicated.
Did any of you write something after the movie? This morning
58 people had written and most were uncontrolled. I haven't
checked tonite.
----- Original Message -----
From: "seedsaver1949" <seedsaver1949@ yahoo.com>
To: <epilepsy@yahoogrou p s.com>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 6:37 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] about 60 minutes
> It was an OK show. I am always disappointed when people with epilepsy are
> all lumpled together as unable to function in society without help. I
> realize meds are help but only talking about people who need implants or
> have a susbstantial amount of brain damage, usually from seizures as a
> young child, misrepresents the disorder.
> If there are so many people with epilepsy then I can only surmise most of
> us quietly lead our lives, taking our meds and hardly ever having a
> seizure. We don't tell anyone except people we can really trust (as I do)
> so the statistics are probably way off.
> I know there are people in this group who don't have auras and have major
> difficulties in the world. Folks who just black out (which scares the heck
> out of me)and others who have auras and can get out of harm's way. I also
> know there are people here who are trying to cope with not being able to
> help their children with epilepsy. There are also people who are really
> mad at the world for foisting this on them (yes, I did read your entire
> post). My point is that the ONLY commonality we have with our disorder is
> that it is called "epilepsy."
> So just once I would like to see a news story that shows the whole story.
> We are just people, young and old.
> ------------ --------- --------- ------
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