I may be wrong about Michelle but, Who else will point out what the Obama people are really about ? She's not our enemy. I called 60 Minutes and praised them about the report they did but Would they do stories on any of our conditions ? NO and all of you know that. I suggested to 60 Minutes to do a real story about MonoSodiumGlutamte / MSG and other food chemicals that can cause some of us to have a Grand Mal seizures, that we then are on medicine forever. I mentioned how MSG's can cause Fibromyagia pain, Parkinsons attacks, and other brain misfunctions. What are the odds the 60 Minute gang will report on that ? I'm 98% sure that I was the only one here to send e-mail to them about M S G knowing how I was rejected about my real life events I have had with it and CARRAGEENAN which is MSG. It would be nice to believe a few others would had done the same thing. If any of you really trust our government, FDA and news media to be
honest with us, dream on. They all are against us in preventing any cause of a seizure for us as they all would lose too much money in the process in protecting us and the general public. I contacted Joseph LaMountain at the EFA seeing how he has done a few things with the EFA site. I mentioned to him again how I was taken by suprise with the Soy Milk from the Costco KIRKLAND brand affected me. I may had died if I had 2 or more cups that morning as I was suppose to have been blue around the lips when I was out. If that is not a 9-11 product alert what is ? I e-mailed the FDA investigator about it, no reply. I called the CDC in Atlanta and get BS from them. Maybe a few here may call the efa and tell Joe to get on the reality train in all areas of the causes of people having seizures. STRESS is a BIG factor as people here, the government, media and others everywhere in their ignorance seems to create. When will anyone stop and listen to
everyone instead of the selected few ? Now I'm dreaming.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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