Thursday, February 3, 2011

Re: [epilepsy] Your change from Lamictal to Keppra


In past I said,doctors will know.I meant a neurologist or epileptologist,not
just any type of doctor,like a pharmacist.One may just fill prescription to sell
some type of medicine.To prevent a generic from being sold for any AED, the
prescription might need to say,"brand name only". Tim B.    

Sent: Wed, December 29, 2010 4:06:28 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Your change from Lamictal to Keppra

        i was given a generic of Depekene 10 yrs. back.  The pharmacist thought
since I was on Medicaid and Medicare.  He decided to change my Depekene to the
generic brand himself without Doctors authorization or the insurance.  So I got
sick on it and had to have emergency surgery 5 yrs. later.  Always check with
the doctor first before taking any generic or brand name drug.  That is my
recommendation to everyone.  No drug works the same for everyone the same way. 


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