Monday, February 28, 2011

[fast5] The 4 Hour Body


I've been reluctant to recommend this book to anyone because it has a couple R rated chapters about sex :) But I wouldn't be a very good guy if I didn't tell you this book is AWESOME and perfectly compliments F5.

The author, Tim Ferriss, is one of those "eat right when you get up, yadda yadda yadda" guys but that's the only thing he's said that I don't agree with.

I've been doing Mon-Fri F5+4HrBody and on Sat-Sun I've been doing NO DIET WHATSOEVER and the diet still works. I've been at my goal weight for quite some time so I'm just looking for something that's doable, fun, and wont make my wife want to kill me and this is perfect.

I could elaborate but the book is ... Just get it :)

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