Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Re: [fast5] The Dice Diet


Andy, I like the way you think and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Seriously though ... this is a really intriguing idea ... and would probably work quite well for those of us who actually enjoy reading up on nutrition diet plans and tend to bore easily.

- DanaCat

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From: "andy030144" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 05:12:24 -0000
To: <>
Subject: [fast5] The Dice Diet


If there's one thing I hate it's boredom. I think I'd pretty much do anything to avoid it.

The Dice Diet is a way to avoid boredom in dieting.

The concept is simple. Take 6 diets and assign each of them to a number on a 6 sided die. I said die. Moving on...

This is my version based on Intermittent Fasting.

1. Eat Stop Eat style fast day (plus optional bonus round)
2. Low carb day
3. Lean Gains day
4. Warrior Diet day
5. Fast-5 day
6. 6 small meals

To make a long story short roll the die and do what it says and shut up about it and don't think too much about it. It's fun. Try it. You'll like it. I can hardly contain myself just talking about it.

To make a short story long here is a little bit of elaboration on what the numbers really mean...

1. ESE is a great diet. Fun for the whole family. But boring. On non diet days I wonder what I'm supposed to do other than twiddle my thumbs and think about potato chips. I really love the fast days. They're awesome. Who doesn't love them. By doing ESE I figured out that the fast days are pretty much a 1 meal day and if you eat too much it doesn't help any but isn't the end of the world. If you roll a 1 you might as well just expect to DIET in the traditional sense of the word. This is a diet day. Diet and suffer. Sacrifice. Eat one meal as close as humanly possible to bed time so you aren't tempted to eat again, eat healthy food, and just shut up about. It's a diet day.

*Bonus Round* If you like the idea of "cheat days" always put them after day number 1. Why? Because in order for a cheat day to not make you fat you have to deplete all your carbs. After a day like number 1 they will most certainly be depleted. But aren't you negating the fat burning effects of day 1 with a cheat day? The reason you are not is because in the Dice Diet you lose FAT through "paying in advance" and not calorie restriction. Half the time you are burning body fat the way bodyfat was meant to be used. The other half of the time you are FLOODING your body with nutrients and building muscle. The best of both worlds. The reason I say that the bonus round is optional is because you could easily make a three or a five your 'cheat' day and make all this alot easier but for some reason I really like the idea of placing all junk food AFTER I've set by body up to be UNABLE to put on fat. And another thing... "Cheat Days" really aren't supposed to be free for all days where I'm eating everything in the house just because I "can." My idea of a "cheat" day is to play it like a "feels like" day. Eat when you "feel like" it and eat what you "feel like" and leave it at that. Since another cheat day can happen at any time, there's no rush, no scarcity, no one's killing me if I don't eat the rest of the whatever etc etc. You are an idiot if you eat ANYTHING you don't feel like eating on ANY day and this day is just about eating what you crave when you crave it knowing full well next Sunday I will probably just do it all again if that's what the dice tell me to do, who cares anyway.

2. Low Carb. The best part about the Low carb diet is always the first day of being on it and with the Dice Diet you get to experience the pure THRILL of low carbing with none of the boring "I would like to die" drudgery of being on this type of hell diet for months on end.
If you roll a two, rejoice! Today is national high fat day. No fruit. No bread. Just high fat, high protein whatever. You know what to do.

3. Lean Gains is amazing and you can't argue with the author's appearance. He is the man and Lean Gains is THE diet. Read the website, do it and shut up.

4. The Warrior Diet is another amazing diet but like anything else, it's only flaw is IF YOU HAVE TO EAT THIS WAY EVERYDAY YOU WILL EVENTUALLY WANT TO CHOKE YOURSELF JUST FOR THE VARIETY. The Warrior Diet is simply probably one of the healthiest diet's I've ever come across in every way possible. If you roll a 4, just do it by the book. Being a rare occurence it will probably not get old.

5. Fast-5. If you roll a 5 just do Fast-5.

6. 6 meals a day. Does the 6 meals a day diet belong in a diet plan focused on intermittent fasting? Yes, because there's nothing wrong with eating small meals frequently throughout the day BUT there is something wrong with eating this way every single day over and over for no reason even if I'm not hungry. Just remember... you must count calories in day 3 and day 6 only. Calories mean alot on multiple meal days. Bodybuilders aren't idiots.

And there you have it. This is MY version of The Dice Diet. BTW,... "THE DICE DIET" isn't carved in stone. You can pick different diets for each of the numbers. This is just my favorite version. If you've read this far I know you know how to do it... PEACE !!!


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