Saturday, February 26, 2011

Re: [epilepsy] Re: Dilantin


Hi Lisa
You can also ask your lab tech who takes your blood test or next time you are at your dr. and they will be
able to tell you what your levels should be at for any of the drugs you are taking.

Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "Millie Myers" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Re: Dilantin


The therapeutic range for Dilantin is 10 - 20.. Toxic is 20
My level is now 13.6. I just had it checked in Jan. I take 3 Dilantin
on Mon Wed and Fri and 4 the rest of the days. I also take
4 - 30 gr phenabarb daily. I have been taking this for over 20 years.

At one time I was on double this (I was changing meds) and I was
walking into the walls, my hands shook when I fed patients and
at nite when I got home I couldn't read. The nurse I was working
with in the NH said she thought I was overdosed.-- and to call my Dr.
He told the nurse to tell me to go off of all meds for 3 days and then
take what I am taking now-- except I was taking 4 Dilantin every day.

That Dr. left town and put in back to my family Dr. and he changed me
to 3 Dilantin Mon Wed and Fri. I take brand name Dilantin. That seems
to make a difference for me.

It's been 4 years since my last sz and a sz 4 years before that. I was
DX with EP 49 years ago when I was 30. I then had 3 daughters 2, 4,
and 6 and a husband-- now ex. The girls are all in their 50's.

Everybody is different. You really can't go on what other people take
because our bodies are all so different. Checking with your Dr. and
taking a blood test would tell the Dr.


----- Original Message -----
From: Steve
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 6:24 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: Dilantin

Hi Lisa,

Sorry to hear about the seizure. There are blood tests taken to show if his blood levels are in the normal
range. If test results show below normal, then a Dr. might want to increase his dosage. The Dr. who increased
the dosage, was that your neuro? Or was it the Dr. in ER who increased it? If so, did the ER get the OK to
increase it with your Drs. OK? I wouldn't wait for the appointment to find the answer, I would call the neuro
now to find the answer to make sure the dosage being taken is with your Drs. OK. Keep us updated on how your
daughter is doing. Take care, keep a smile on your face!


--- In, lisa cyr <llmcyr@...> wrote:
> Hello group. It's been a while since I've been on here because my daughters
> seizures stopped for 3 years! She was simply on 500mg of Dilantin daily and that
> held here. Well, last Tuesday she had a bad grand mal seizure out of the blue.
> The ER department increased her Dilantin to 600mg a day and she sees her
> neurologist on 3/3. My question is: isn't that a lot of Dilantin? What are
> the signs of Dilantin toxcity? Any help/comments would be great. Thanks Lisa
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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