Monday, February 28, 2011

[fast5] Re: The 4 Hour Body


That is exactly the way I felt and it was one of the reasons it took me so long to give it a shot and I must say honestly I don't think beans really can count as "carbs" anymore. They just don't have the same effect. I have been eating a wide variety of stuff I never would have normally eaten and I must say I'm surprised at how FULL I feel and how I honestly am not looking forward to a cheat day for the first time in my dieting life.

I don't think beans are beans. I think they are nuts without the fat. They're like tomatoes... they are fruit but they eat like a vegetable. It's weird I know but they really are your saviour. The funny thing about all this is when I was in my poor college days I ate tons of beans because they were filling and cheap and now I've come full circle and I had it in my hands the whole time :(

Since I only eat once or twice it makes "boredom" a non- issue. I DON'T THINK I COULD STAY ON THIS DIET IF I HAD TO EAT 5-6 TIMES A DAY. I will say that. I could easily get bored. I could see it fitting into a warrior diet style. Not much else.


--- In, "Barnaby Walker" <barnabywalker@...> wrote:
> Not sure I can believe his pushing of high carbohydrate eating of Beans, as fitting into a low-carb diet
> Barnaby
> --- In, "andy030144" <andy030144@> wrote:
> >
> > I've been reluctant to recommend this book to anyone because it has a couple R rated chapters about sex :) But I wouldn't be a very good guy if I didn't tell you this book is AWESOME and perfectly compliments F5.
> >
> > The author, Tim Ferriss, is one of those "eat right when you get up, yadda yadda yadda" guys but that's the only thing he's said that I don't agree with.
> >
> > I've been doing Mon-Fri F5+4HrBody and on Sat-Sun I've been doing NO DIET WHATSOEVER and the diet still works. I've been at my goal weight for quite some time so I'm just looking for something that's doable, fun, and wont make my wife want to kill me and this is perfect.
> >
> > I could elaborate but the book is ... Just get it :)
> >

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