Friday, February 25, 2011

Re: [fast5] weight loss has stopped, how to get it started again!!??


On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 4:27 AM, Kristina Carlton <> wrote:

I suspect that KM, like many people, has a problem with wheat bran ...
wheat is REALLY irritating to people with the wrong genes (actually it
for sure shortens your life span, if you have celiac, and probably causes
a variety of diseases in those who are "just" gluten intolerant. Since a lot
of the original fiber studies used wheat bran, you get a lot of very mixed
results in the studies. I find it odd that in a website about "gut sense"
that he doesn't even mention the statistically most common cause of gut problems,
which is gluten intolerance.

However, human beings, omnivores, and even carnivores always have
had a lot of fiber in their diets. It's really difficult to have a healthy
batch of microbiota without it. People on low-polysaccharide diets
have fewer of the good bacteria and more of the bad ... it might be
possible to get by on a low-fiber diet with lots of dairy (dairy is
designed to be an all-purpose food for mammals) but not everyone
can digest that either.

A lot of people have problems digesting carbs in general ...
probably due to lack of certain enyzmes. But other people
have problems digesting fats. If fat is probably digested, it
shouldn't end up "lubricating" anything ... it should be absorbed,
but probably a lot of it isn't digested right. And then some people
have problems digesting protein ... improperly digested meat
can cause sulfuric acid to be produced, which is really irritating.

Anyway, the Fiber Menace guy has a rather one-size-fits-all
and not very nuanced (or well-researched) thesis, probably based
on his own experiences and what works for him. If you want to
find people who on the whole live a long and healthy life, you 
can look at places like Okinawa, where their main foods are 
loaded with both carbs AND soluble fiber. They eat konjac (konnyaku) too.

My diet lately has been more and more "Japanese" and I
have to say my gut loves it. So do my joints, my blood pressure,
and my blood sugar. It's not a low-fat
diet, nor low protein, but it's loaded with vegies. Also easy meals
to prepare and very tasty!


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