Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: [epilepsy] Driving


Hey, Cash.

This is a decision to be made by you and your doctor, period. If it had been up
to my family, I would never have driven, and I'm 44!! I'm also a very good
driver! I also think the state laws are ridiculous. If you're honest with your
doctor, why should your state be able to dictate whether or not you can drive??

That said, it's also important to do an honest self-assessment of your driving
fitness. If you're behind the wheel in a relatively safe place (dead end street,
empty parking lot, etc), can you control a car sufficiently enough to consider
driving school (which will give you regular practice and boost your confidence
as well as allow an impartial person to assess your ability and help you with
weak areas)? If so, I would proceed.If not, then you're better off considering
an alternative, such as taking a bus or biking.

Good luck, whatever you decide!

LIZ :)

From: Cash <>
Sent: Mon, February 28, 2011 3:51:25 AM
Subject: [epilepsy] Driving

I was diagnosed at age 9. I have generalized and partial complex seizures. I
have a Vagus Nerve Stimulator and underwent a Corpus Collosotomy, at age 18, to
try to keep the seizures under control. I am now well controlled with medication
only...Depakote, Dilantin and Clonazepam.

I am now 35 and going crazy not being able to drive, especially since I have
driven in the past and got a small taste of what it was like. I really miss the
freedom do go and do whatever and whenever i feel like it. During the time that
I was fortunate enough to have a license my reaction time was pretty slow due to
my medications. I took and am still taking Dilantin, Depakote and Clonazepam.

This especially makes dating difficult. Women do not want to feel like they are
being turned into your personal cheauffer. This has ruined many a relationship.
Many wonderful relationships would have worked had I only been able to drive. I
respect my families wishes because they do not want me to drive again, but I am
getting fed up with not being able to drive and want to just go against my
families wishes on this matter.

Maybe I'm just venting, but I needed to vent in a place where I would be
understood. Thank you. If anyone has something to say, I'd be more than happy to
read your comments.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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