Hi Tim,
Just a quickie. Noticed your next appointment is Monday and
want to wish you super luck with this one. I bet after finding
results through the tests will be positive. If you get chance next
week, please let me know how it went. I will add you to my list
of special intentions this weekend. Take care.
Doris :-)
--- In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, "TIMOTHY" <tbb1@...> wrote:
> Hi Doris,
> At the stsrt of 11/09 I began to see Dr.Orrin Devinsky at NYU,then 11/31-12/5/09 had a 5 day-Video EEG.I began to change into Keppra XR with my current Vimpat.Had Wada test in 8/10 both at NYU Langone Hospital.At beginning of 12/10 had a 72hr.Ambulatory EEG,I wasn't aware of any seizures during it.This Monday (2/7/11) I have appt.
> and am interested in anything different in results from recordings of that test,viewed by doctors.Maybe there was none or some at night or -some quick ones that I'm not aware of. And wouldn't be if driving and the road turned,and never noticed that my eyes shut for 1-10 seconds
> till after I hit a tree and wonder what caused this.FACES (Finding A Cure Epilepsy and Seizure)is wrote ever few months at New York Univ.. Timothy Baldwin
> > ---In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, "DorisY" <dorisellen@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tim,
> > Hope all going more positive now for you. I can relate to
> > what you are saying. My first seizure was when I was 17 and
> > I was driving. The result was that the car went off the road
> > and into a tree. One person in the front seat was seriously
> > injured. This was before using seat belts as we do today. I
> > had seizures post this for about 35 years. Then I had left
> > temporal surgery and day seizures stopped completely, however
> > nocturnal ones began. Since seizures are still just when asleep,
> > I was able to get my driving license back. It was still the right
> > step getting the surgery and if seizures continue with you, I'd suggest you look into the possibility of this. I do not know
> > where you are living now, but if near New York, NYU is a great place to find good doctors. Good luck Tim, and please fill us in on how this goes. Take care.
> > Sincerely, Doris
> >
> > --- In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, "TIMOTHY" <tbb1@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I never thought,about driving having begun just before my first seizure.I just saw a comment that she started to drive when 18 then had first seizure at 19.I began driving when 16,had two seizures,and;was diagnosed with epilepsy at 17.I wonder if the shock of seeing all those new areas was strong enough to begin epilepsy.My last seizure was bicycling past an old memory and thinking,I've Got To See That Again.I became conscious again in a ER when my face was being sutured.I wonder if that sight caused a strong enough shock to cause that seizure and if all of those new sights I remember cause as much a shock at that age.How many other people had their first seizure just they began to drive? Timothy Baldwin
> > >
> >
Thursday, February 3, 2011
[epilepsy] Re: 1st seizure just after driving begins
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