Sunday, February 27, 2011

[fast5] Re: Water weight loss...


--- In, "lewandowskielizabeth" <elizabeth3715@...> wrote:
> I started losing weight (again!) last September...dropped 23 pounds through eating low-carb (about 80 grams per day), watching calories and moderate excercise. I got stuck, stuck, stuck at the end of December and through the whole month of January. I discovered intermittent fasting and very quickly adopted a Fast-5 eating plan.
> I've lost 11 pounds since 2/1, a consistent 3 pound weight drop per week. On another forum an 'expert' told me that this was mostly water weight. While I know that it's not all fat loss, how can I prove this 'expert' wrong?

To measure Real Fat loss, throw away the scales and measure with a tape measure belly fat around your navel.. Your pants will get looser in the waist when you are losing Fat.

Eating fatty meat to fill with very little Carbs is excellent way to lose fat. Fasting is a very good way to maintain those losses.lyy

Likely much of that first 23 pounds in September was water weight, which is why you stagnated in December. You weren't eating a very extreme low carb and started to see improvement once fasting. Record your waist size to get the real story on FAT loss.


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