Thursday, February 25, 2010

[epilepsy] Re: suggestions


I realize it was a suggestion, I am just trying to understand how asking most medical doctors about herbal supplements etc would be of any benefit. If they knew anything about herbal supplements, I can certainly see why it would be wise to discuss this with them. Many neurologists and other medical doctors are not even aware of other drugs which are contraindicated with the drugs they prescrib - I learned that the hard way. I used to credit them with at least knowledge of the drugs the precribed. I learned that lesson at the expense of damage to me kidney.

And if it is of no benefit to ask most medical doctors about herbals supplements, etc then why bother? Why not just do some research on the internet? I am not saying that all doctors know zilch about anything but drugs and surgery - there area exceptions in my opinion and experiance.

I can see consulting people like Walter Last whom started off as a research & forensic chemist and biochemist running a toxicology lab - he left that job in Germany and went to Australia and took training as a nutritionist and also naturapath. Because of his understanding of biochemistry, as well as his training as a naturapath he is great person to look to for knowledge about the human body.

About Walter Last
Walter Last combines the training and work experience of Research Chemist Biochemist and Toxicologist with that of Practicing Nutritionist and Natural Therapist.

Anyways I would truely appreciate it if you could tell me which doctors would be capable of giving an informed opinion of herbal supplements etc please???


--- In, "mariea" <annaackermann@...> wrote:
> My intention was to remind others NOT to take anything regardless if it is OTC or herbal,or anything else. I didn't say that either of my DR.s encourage the use of herbal supplements. I see both a Primary DR. and a Neurologist. I take 0.5mg ativan oonce daily. 750 mg Keppra twice daily, and a total of 600mg daily of Lamictal. I do not take anything else. I am only saying that no one with seizure disorder should start taking anything without speaking to their DR. first. It is just a suggestion.
> mariea

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