Thursday, January 28, 2010

Re: [epilepsy] new medication - Zonisamide


Oh fun, Im already having trouble sleeping on Keppra, I am still hesitatant on trying something new the pattern is if it works will only work for a short time then seizures start back up.  I so tired of feeling like a guinee pig.  Thank fully neither my son or daughter have epilepsy or seizures and they are 17 and 20.

Donna NH

From: Wendy Baur <>
Sent: Thu, January 28, 2010 7:33:58 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] new medication - Zonisamide

My daughter Julia was on this medication.  When we increased the dose she
had insomnia and didn't sleep for a few days in a row..the worst was a 5 day
stretch!  I read that insomnia can be a side effect but, when I asked adults
that had been on the medication they told me that when their body got used
to the medication the insomnia went away and it did.

We first started the medication when Julia was 8 months old and wouldn't
swallow pills so, I would open the pill and poor the contents onto a spoon,
then dump it in her mouth chasing it with a little water.  I guess the stuff
tasted TERRABLE b/c she wouldn't swallow so, I had to hold her nose.  YES
that sucked....fortunately Julia swallow's pills now but, just a warning the
stuff tastes terrable!

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:15 PM, DonnaM <> wrote:

> Anyone try this medication? If so how did it work for you? Any side
> effects? (I think this is a new medication not sure)
> Donna NH

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