Thursday, March 31, 2011

Re: [epilepsy] Re: three years



I am not actually seizure free. I have about 2 a month, but compared to
multiple seizures a day, I'll take it!

As far as changes, I know I lost at least 14 IQ points. My short term
memory is definitely affected. It took me over 2 years to adjust to the
emotional side effects of having my amigdula removed, I now know what I
can and cannot handle, and what situations to avoid or walk away from.
Some people get upset at me because I walk away, but I knwo fi I don't I
can get really mad. I also have pretty bad concentration issues. I get
distracted really easy, put that with short term memory issues and it's
a yucky combination. I have to make notes and lists for everything. My
computer and Droid help me keep track of things. I have also developed
light sensitivity issues, so I have to wear tinted glasses all of the time.

Put the concentration issues and short term memory together, and I have
decided I won't drive again even if I do become seizure free. I know
that my distraction issues would make me unsafe! I am also still on
Trileptal and Lyrica, but I did go off of Topamax which is awesome! The
Lyrica also helps me with pain issues.


On 3/31/2011 5:13 PM, Steve wrote:
> Hi Kelly,
> Conratulations on being seizure free 3 years now (smile). Just wondering, in what ways have you noticed changes in you because of surgery?
> I had a LTL 4 years 5 months ago and I'm still seizure free. Tests show my cognitive abilities didn't get worse but I aware they did. I by my choice, decided not to reduce me mess. Because I feel they are a back up if a seizure trys to come through.

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