Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[fast5] Questions on when to workout and food limitation from allergies


I wrote this up on the forum on fast5 website but I figured more people may use this email list. Any feedback would be helpful.

Ok, I'm contemplating starting Fast 5 but I have some questions before I start to know whether or not it is going to be right for me.

First I don't have any trouble fasting for long periods of time. I have done it in the past, so that isn't what worries. Although I found that when I eat high carbs and try to fast I tend to want to binge, but I know this and aware of this, so not a concern. A little bit of a concern is that I do have a problem with binge eating, but I found my binges tend to revolve around high carb stuff. When I eat paleo (which is the healthiest option for me) I don't have the urge to binge, nor do I have cravings, so definitely related to my insulin levels.

Ok on to my questions:

1) I prefer to workout in the mornings. It actually is when I have my biggest surge of energy, I'm apparently a morning person just one that likes to stay up late and sleep in :) But I do pretty high intensity stuff, working out with kettlebells, which essentially combines cardio and weight training. I normally do my workout in the morning, then eat afterwards. However, since this would make me be at work during the 5 hours that isn't going to work. I also would rather eat in the evening since going out to dinner or just eating/preparing dinner with my boyfriend is something I often do. Breakfast and lunch if eaten are done alone anyway. I didn't find anything in regards to strenuous activity in the book or the FAQ's site. How is this suppose to be handled? I would imagine this would deplete my blood sugar levels to much. Although for the most part I think kettlebells are mainly anaerobic anyway. Thoughts?

2) I have a sensitive stomach and food allergies, which is one of the reasons I'm considering this lifestyle anyway. But it also limits what foods I'm able to eat. If I eat to much animal fat/oil at once I feel sick to my stomach. The problem is I'm allergic to tree nuts and peanuts. Most of the oil I consume has to be in actual liquid oil form, which means it has to be on or in something. So the problem is I'm not sure how much oil/fat I would be able to get in since if I eat over a 1/2 tablespoon at a time I feel sick, and I cant eat nuts and really have to limit sunflower and pumpkin seeks due to cross contamination. So any ideas of how I can get the proper amount of oils? The other thing is too is that my body is at its best when I am not eating grains too. Grains tend to inflame my sinuses when I eat grains I have a constant headache with pressure. Legumes are out because I've tested positive to soy, peanuts, and peas. And diary I tend to get a lot of mucus. This is why the paleo diet works best for me. The concern is whether or not I will be getting enough calories. Don't get me wrong it is easy to get the caloric needs with starch/carbs in the diet, but when you are eating fruits, veggies, meat and oil, it can be a little more bulky and more difficult. There is only so much meat, veggies, and fruit a person can eat :) I should also mention I do not eat pork for religious reasons, so bacon to get extra fat/protein with less bulk is not an option. So I'm just looking for thoughts on this to.

Thanks in advanced.


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