Thursday, February 3, 2011

[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Wild Alaska Salmon Fluffy Spinach Omelet - 8g Carbs, 1.1g Fiber, 1.6g Sugar


Wild Alaska Salmon Fluffy Spinach Omelet - 8g Carbs, 1.1g Fiber, 1.6g Sugar

Recipe From:
Nutrition From:
Serves: 1
Grade: B+

7 1/2oz Salmon, Skinless & Boneless
3oz low fat cream cheese
2 large eggs, separated
1 cup baby spinach leaves, very finely chopped, Large handful of
1 tsp light olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
Chopped fresh chives or spring onions, to garnish
Spinach or lettuce leaves and cherry tomatoes, to serve

1. Drain the salmon, reserving the liquid. Remove the skin and bones,
if desired, then break the salmon into large chunks. Set aside.

2. Preheat a hot grill.

3. Mix 1 tbsp of the salmon liquid with the low fat soft cheese.

4. Beat the egg yolks together, adding the remaining salmon liquid.
Add the finely chopped spinach, then season with a little salt and

5. Whisk the egg whites in a grease-free bowl and with scrupulously
clean beaters until stiff peaks form. Fold into the egg yolk mixture.

6. Heat the butter or olive oil in an omelet pan, then tip in the egg
mixture and cook over a medium heat until the base has set. Transfer
to the grill to set the surface. Slide onto a warm plate and top with
the low fat soft cheese and salmon chunks. Garnish with chopped chives or spring onions and serve with spinach or lettuce and cherry tomatoes.

Cook's Tip: Use watercress instead of spinach, for a change.

Serving Size: 447.3 g
Servings: 1
Nutrition per Serving:
714 Calories, 378 Calories from Fat, 42g Total Fat, 9.8g Saturated Fat, 564mg Cholesterol, 760mg Sodium, 8g Total Carbs, 1.1g Dietary Fiber, 1.6g Sugars, 73g Protein

Vitamin A 87% - Vitamin C 32% - Calcium 28% - Iron 21%

Grade: B+

Good points
* Very low in sugar
* High in niacin
* High in phosphorus
* Very high in selenium
* High in vitamin A
* High in vitamin B6
* High in vitamin B12
Bad points
* Very high in cholesterol

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