I bought that when it came out and it's stupid. It's not "stupid" stupid but it's something that should be a chapter in an already good diet book and not a whole diet in itself. It basically says to eat super healthy one day and then "more relaxed" or "normal" the next day but you have to count calories ALL the time so it's one of those "DUH" kinda books. It's the way people are already eating. Most people eat as good as they can sometimes and then more relaxed other times. I'm sick and tired of moronic books coming out saying absolutely nothing the average person doesn't know.
"The Fat Burning Kitchen" and "The Belly Fat solution" are 2 other ones that are completely idiotic. They are word for word plagiarizms of The South beach diet (couple other tweeks too) just changed enough so they can't be sued. "Dont eat these carbs.... don't eat these fats..... eat THESE carbs.... eat THESE fats.... blah blah blah" and it's the same stuff they've been saying for years. It's all the same. Never anything different.
And they say that calories don't count. As I learned on the Low carb diet YES THEY DO after you lose the glycogen/water weight YES THEY DO. And it's pointless to lose the water weight because having it is actually healthy, your body uses it all the time for stuff and if you don't have it, you're always on the verge of dehydration.
Martin Berkhan (Leangains.com) once talked about his modelling years and how he and everyone was on the 6 meal a day (they did even 7-8) and counting calories and eating perfect in every way and how it STILL was difficult to get down to between 8-9% bodyfat for shoots. He started IF and got down to 6% without doing half the work or suffering. It was still work but not as bad as before.
You can follow these diets where you eat healthy till you're blue in the face but you aren't going to be burning fat for fuel more than a few hours a day where with IF you will be. You can eat 5 organic healthy meals a day and not burn an ounce of fat. I know it because I went through it. I believe these people that believe in their diets, I do, and I believe and if you eat their way you'll want to pull your hair out because everything is tasteless and boring and you'll just want to die. Ever eat healthy bread? Might as well not eat at all.
Sorry for the rant on such a simple question but I JUST bought and returned a highly recommended new diet program that was just mindblowing common sense and I can't believe that I wasted 2 hours of my life and I'll never get it back.
Here's my List of diets that ARE worth it because they ARE so different that they're almost fun to mess around with:
1. IF (obviously- F5,Warrior Diet, Leangains, Eatstopeat)
2. Carbohydrate Addicts diet (Not a bad idea)
3. The Metabolic Diet and Natural Hormonal Enhancement (Cyclical Ketogenic Dieting)
4. Joel Marion's Extreme Fat Loss Diet (Really wierd but really fun)
I started studying nutrition in 1990 and these diets are the only ones that say anything off the beaten path (that doesn't even work). The Warrior Diet was the first book ever to focus on the satisfaction of eating and eating to the point where you are "happy." I'm sure that in most books they mention it but a WHOLE diet focused on it? Cool.
I think there are lots of ok diet books out there but we just don't need them. If you read SugarBusters then we don't need South Beach. It's just a rerun. Go get a job. Quit stealing from fat people, they've got enough problems. Cummon. Over and over it's the same old stuff.
One of the things that bothered me about Fast-5 (that NOW I understand) is he never really told you what to eat. It's because it's going to take care of itself. If you just eat this way, WHAT you eat will be good. Your RIGHT cravings will be for good stuff. Forcing yourself to eat good stuff before you crave it = guaranteed failure.
Once again, sorry for the rant. I just don't want to see you get scammed.
--- In fast5@yahoogroups.com, "wexbrew" <wexbrew@...> wrote:
> I clicked an ad link on a webpage for a program called EODD - Every other day diet and linstened to a detail free informercail. Does anyone know if this is another intermitent fasting diet or something else?
Friday, February 4, 2011
[fast5] Re: EODD
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