Thursday, February 25, 2010

[epilepsy] syncope often misdiagnosed as EP


My intention was to send this in December, but life, and my brain, kept
getting in the way! Being post right temporal lobectomy I understand
ALL that goes with a diagnosis of epilepsy so you can understand what
happened to me when we thought my son started to have seizures!

In December my son, then 8, was checked in for a VEG because we believed
he was having seizures. Turns out he is not!!!! YEAH!!

During the course of the week-yes week-he was having the study several
different things were considered as days went on with no activity
captured. One of them was of course psuedo seizurures. As well, during
that week, I was reminded by my sister in law that my nephew was
diagnosed at the same age with syncope.

Syncope is often misdiagnosed as seizures, treated as seizures (esp in
children) though no one can ever find any electrical activity on an EEG,
or diagnosed as psuedo seizures because the activity does not exactly
match a seizure type. Why is this? Because the symptoms often mimic
seizures, including an aura like feeling from the blood suddenly moving
throughout the body, twitching, drop attacks, and in some people (like
my son) shaking during the drop attacks). It can be hereditary but not

In the end he was diagnosed with syncope--an electrolyte imbalance.
Simple solution--increase water and salt intake daily. So now he
carries a water bottle to school every day. Guess what--no problems
except once in PE.

I share this because I thought that possibly there might be even one
person on this list who would come across this and discover they might
have been misdiagnosed, and be able to shed the diagnosis of epilepsy
because they discover something they never heard before.

Kelly P

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