Sunday, November 29, 2009

[fast5] Re: Just Starting Out


i am in the same boat as you, mostly. i'm not overweight, but i decided to go with fast 5 in order to drop a couple of pounds and to maintain my weight after gaining (and losing!) the weight i gained from my freshman year. i also ate whatever i wanted until i was full and was super thin until freshman year where i gained about 20 lbs. i always had this uncontrollable hunger and ate until i was completely stuffed because i ate so fast! but being on fast 5 has really really helped me get that under control. i do minimal exercsie, maybe just daily walks to and from school, but i've had no problem eating until i am comfortably full, and still maintaining my weight! i may not have lost a significant amount of lbs but i have lost fat, and thats whats important. i feel much more denser, as other posters have observed and said i would feel despite no lb lost. i feel great, everything is so much better. i have more energy, sleep well, get up easily when i've gotten enough sleep, and more.

--- In, carlypensacola@... <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Hey Everyone! I'm really excited to join this group because many people do not know about my battle with weight. I'm not really overweight (but I am not physically fit either and I would like to be) but I do have an unhealthy relationship with food. I was thin all throughout my childhood and never went on a diet or anything like that. I just kept active, ate what I wanted, and stopped when I was full. When I went to college I gained the "freshmen 15" not from drinking but just from eating more, exercising less, and eating the wrong foods. After my freshmen year I kind of freaked out about the weight gain, went on a diet, and just never really stopped until I was 100 lbs at 5'9 with anorexia. Then I had to see a doctor and nutritionist to put weight back on, which eventually I did. However, I feel like I have no inborn sense of what to eat or when to start or stop. I always feel (or rather think I'm) hungry, I never feel full unless I've overeaten. It's just been a mess and I'm completely emotionally drained, and I feel like my poor body just needs a break from constantly having food shoved down it, and the wrong ones at that. Thinking back to my younger years, when my body was naturally healthy, I never really liked breakfast, never finished my lunch, but always loved dinner. So I'm hoping my body just agrees more with this system if I give it time.
> I'm sorry to talk so much about myself. I just wanted to give you my background and see if anyone can relate. Thanks so much for reading and have a great day!



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