5 Reasons to Eat Raspberries
From: Dr Weil
One of my favorite fruits is the raspberry. Known as an aggregate fruit,
meaning that smaller sections with seeds and fruit create a larger whole, raspberries have significant nutritional value - they:
1. Are a good source of vitamin C and fiber.
2. Provide folate, vitamins B2 and B3, magnesium and other essential
3. Contain ellagitannins, natural health-protective compounds that
appear to have potent anti-cancer activity.
4. Have considerable antioxidant potential (50% more than strawberries)
5. Place in the top 15 of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition's
best antioxidant sources.
For an added dose of fiber and antioxidants, top your cereal with
raspberries, add some to a salad, use them in sauces and baked goods,
or enjoy them on their own. Because commercial strains may be heavily
sprayed with pesticides, I recommend buying only organic varieties.

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