Wednesday, March 31, 2010

[fast5] Re: Diabetic?


Thank you Heather, that is helpful to know others have had this also!

--- In, Heather Twist <HeatherTwist@...> wrote:
> What I have found is that sometimes when I am fasting my BG goes UP.
> In fact, it goes higher when I'm really hungry, like when I first do
> fasting. When I first started fasting it went up to 123 or more, but
> was normally 95. But now, fasting, it is 83, which is way better than
> 95.
> Thing is, when you fast, your body produces cortisol to force sugar
> into your bloodstream. Sometimes it overshoots, and gets too much
> sugar into your blood. If you fast a lot, it gets better at releasing
> the right amount. At least that's the theory, and it seems to be true
> in my case. In general, the thought about fasting and diabetes is that
> over the long run, the fasting can help with Type 2 management, but
> the BG numbers might go up in the short run.
> There is an interesting theory also that high iron stores are the root
> cause of Type 2 diabetes. Donating blood seems to help Type 2. I've
> found that avoiding high-iron foods seems to help too, in "metabolic
> syndrome" in general (and drinking tea with meals). See:
> This would fit with "gestational diabetes" because during pregnancy,
> the body hoards metals in general (copper too). Also no menstruation.
> In the US, the high-iron foods are carb foods with added iron:
> fortified breakfast cereals seem to be among the worst offenders.
> Anyway, it's an easy thing to experiment with.
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:52 AM, afwitmer <afwitmer@...> wrote:
> > I am back on fast-5 again after a break. I did not know that I had diabetes.  My doctor took my A1C in January and it was 5.9  However, I have had gestational diabetes 3 times in the last 6 years or so. I am not pregnant now.
> >
> > This morning I took my blood sugar, after fasting for about 11 hours or so and it was 129  !!!!!!!  And that was fasting!!!! I took it another time before that and it was 119!!!!  Whoa! Does anything change for me with this diet/lifestyle  if I have diabetes OR pre-diabetes?
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
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> >
> >
> --
> Heather Twist
> Kraut: the easy way!

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