Tuesday, December 29, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: Who's fighting ?


The point is that not everyone on this list is Christian. Your original post suggested that your religion is the best way to cure epilepsy, not everyone shares that view. At least in this post you say that it was YOUR experience and it helped YOU. What many objected to was saying that it was for everyone, even the non-Christians. That's all. No one is squashing your rights to related your experiences, but we might disagree if we have another viewpoint.
--- In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, craig davis <ohs7778@...> wrote:
>        Jewl,
>            Shout all you want, you have that right. Just as I can mention God and or Jesus Christ which is not a religion. Some people like myself can cope with seizures better knowing that there is a higher power and comforter with us at all times. We all can have that in God through Jesus Christ. I underlined can have due to some in here will never accept my views or God / Jesus Christ for that matter. Everything we accept or do not accept is a choice we make. I do not hold a gun to any persons head when they come on here and demand them to read what they read.  Why would you want to stop posts like mine that believe and knows that God is in control of our lives and who can give a peace like no drug can do ?  
>    Those who get upset because God and Jesus Christ can work better than what any drug or doctor can do, and because they lack what  they do,  maybe they need to be banned instead of our words of hope and love people like myself can only give to other people who are asking WHY is this happenning ? & WHEN will it ever end ? I still ask and wonder those things but I know I can not do much about it all. Everything in my life,seizures/auras and everything else related to life and seizures are all in his control. God can and may make it worse for those who want to make it worse or harder for me and others on our free speech 1st admendment right we all have. If anyone does not like what I type here do not read it.  All I have mentioned in the past never supports any religion. If someone has a better answer than God and Jesus Christ for my experiances I have, tell me how it has helped you first before giving your hope to me and others. I have
> already thought of suicide several times but I always knew I would miss out on Gods best if I did that. Restrict me from here if you choose to do so. No one person can stop God as he will have the last word.  
> Where is religion in all of this ? Who fighting over what ?   Craig
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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