Sunday, June 28, 2009

Re: [fast5] Meal suggestions

> On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 09:37:22 -0400, claudiamb13 <>
> wrote:
> I can't seem to find the post where people were talking about this before so
> i apologize in advance for asking again :-) i'm looking for some meal
> suggestions, preferably gluten free. smoothie recipe? I know we need to get
> all our nutrients in during our 5 so i was wondering if anyone had come up
> with a super nutrient meal that could share thanks evryone!

Our smoothies are mainly just fruit, but I have some "hemp protein"
powder that can add some heft. And coconut milk is good if you need
calories. I think adding gelatinous "seeds" to protein drinks does
help your gut and appetite ... the polysaccharides in certain seeds,
plus the oils, I think are a great dietary addition. That would be
flax, chia, hemp, psyllium. The polysaccharides, I think, help your
body get rid of toxins (they bind to bile) and also change the
bacterial mix in your colon, which makes people feel better (though if
you aren't used to eating them, you can get gas in the short run).
They also give you a sense of fullness and satiation.

I wouldn't worry too much about nutrients though. One thing Fast-5
appears to do is to re-regulate your appestat, and you'll find
yourself craving foods that your body actually needs. It's hard to
know what your body needs at any given time: no book can tell you. But
you have a really great chemistry set built into your brain, and it
knows exactly what minerals and vitamins and fats and protein levels
you need. It happens to be "turned off" for most Americans, because, I
think, we've just been feeding our bodies wrong for too long.

I do take a cal/mag/d/k pill (Costco: they are cheap) because I don't
do dairy and I don't think most sources of calcium are very digestible
by humans. My bones, according to the Dexa scan, have remineralized
nicely. I also take extra Vit C, because the human need for it seems
to be a lot higher than what one can get with what we eat. And B12,
because older women have a problem getting enough of it from food. I
like the idea of getting nutrition mostly from food, but we just don't
eat like our ancestors ate. The Japanese, for instance, don't do
dairy, but they DO eat whole fish with the bones still in ... which is
great for calcium ... but I just am not used to doing that.

Anyway, you might end up doing this for a few weeks and then suddenly
get a craving for broccoli or a big salad or pineapple ... just go
with it. Most people seem to find they just don't want the junk food
so much. It does seem to make the diet go easier if you eat more
protein and less starch, which actually makes life simpler if you are
gluten-free anyway.

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