Sunday, June 28, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: using the bathroom or shower(shotwho24)

My daughter started having seizures when she was two weeks old, we had several doctors that said it was something else including 4 nuerologist that gave up pretty much. Her epitologist (which finally saw a seizure and got us a diagnosis) says there is a chance that she can grow out of them (not meaning that she will NEVER have one again but maybe they wont be so frequent or bad) its always going to be a possibility no matter what that she could have one. I have never been told that she would completely grow out of them.
My daughter has epilepsy because of her metabolism. Her metabolism is always too high or way too low thats just how it is and we deal with it and the seizures that come with it. But, it wasn't hereditary and it wasn't something that happened during her birth it just happen to be that she has epilepsy and God is using her and her condition of epilepsy to tell (educate) the world as much as she can about it!
Just though I'd let you know what we have found out in the past 6 and half years with my daughters epilepsy. And NO Im not into trying any more natural herbs, stem cell treatment (unless youll pay for ALL of it) or statements that I need to research more to deal with her seizures it took us 5 and half years to get a diagnoses and to get her better then what she was. We are happy working with her epitologist and pediatrician in getting her what she needs. But we are opent o any support that anyone wants to give us. Im sorry if I offeneded anyone in writting that we aren't open to other options at the moment. I jsut dont want to get emails saying I am a bad mother for medicating my daughter for her epilepsy when we have tried everything (except stem cells insurance going over seas still in the testing stage etc uh no not for us) Thank you very much though!

From: Nancy Livesay <>
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 9:35:00 AM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Re: using the bathroom or shower(shotwho24)

that is not what my dr. says. and I was a baby whe I got them 8 months old.

____________ _________ _________ __
From: CBI <cbicook@yahoo. com>
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 8:02:01 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Re: using the bathroom or shower(shotwho24)

I didn't know that.   If it was caused by a head injury in one generation, can that be passed to the next?    I have heard of babies can have a seizure but usually grow out of them.  Are these also hereditary?   Thanks for the clarification.


--- On Thu, 6/25/09, Tammy Wolfgram <tammy@maccetera. com> wrote:

From: Tammy Wolfgram <tammy@maccetera. com>
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: using the bathroom or shower(shotwho24)
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 2:58 PM

Actually, CBI, there is a hereditary tendency for epilepsy. It

doesn't mean that your kids will definitely have epilepsy, just that

the likelihood is higher than in the general population.


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