Thursday, August 26, 2010

Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.


Thanks for that piece of advice about the eyes Tim. That I didn't know before. I do know that the
non-epilepsy seizure can be talking to you, go into a seizure, come out, and start talking directly where they
left blanks in sentence no nothing + everything makes perfect sense as if nothing had happened. Yet
it looks, acts and as serious as a G.M.
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

If you've had both epileptic and nonepileptic seizures,was there anybody that
has seen both?I've seen that during epileptic seizures the eyes remain
open,but;during all non-epilepic seizures a persons eyes close up.Is it possible
to be true. Tim Baldwin

From: trish schobert <>
Sent: Wed, August 25, 2010 11:52:51 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

Hi Tim,
I found out that i have them.At first i couldn't understand why i had those

but after working with my epi. psychologist i am now able to talk myself out of
them.I was also showed how my epileptic ones were different so now I have been
seizure free for almost a yr, My doc even took me off 2 of my meds i still take
carbatrol though.She says I may get a drivers license now if i want to.
Trish (jiminycricketblue)

From: TIMOTHY <>
Sent: Wed, August 25, 2010 8:52:27 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

Has anyone with uncontrollable epilepsy found they have PNES(Psychogenic
Non-Epileptic Seizures).These seizures do not respond to anti epilepsy
drugs(AED).Epilepsy seizures come on because of electrical activity.If you have
a non-epileptic seizure during a video EEG and it's not on the EEG but looked
like a seizure to nurses.It was probably PNES.A few people with real epilepsy
also have some PNES.
Tim Baldwin

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