Friday, August 27, 2010

Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.


That would do it .... I just didn't know how to put them in words. By doing it that way and telling yourself
how good you are or how smart you are or whatever the case is, talking like that would help to relax you and
bring you back to the real world.
Wish I could remember if our daughters eyes were open or closed, as that is what she was having at one point.
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "trish schobert" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

my hubby says yes to the eyes Most times they were opened or fluttering. As
far as how I talk myself out of the pseudo seizures...Well first a person has to
know why you are getting them. For me it was because I didn't feel safe or loved
and that created lots of stress.The stress was because my Dad was a
disciplinarian where the belt did the work and being the middle child as well as
one with an obvious difference from her siblings and other kids and not liking
myself because of all of it. I married the first man who supposedly loved me for
who I was and the next 19 yrs of my life was so emotional and so full of abuse
so that added to the stress.So during that time I did have brain surgery and I
was absolutely free of seizures for a whole month but after the surgery the doc.
told me that they might come back because he was unable to cut where he wanted
to as I had a huge nerve that ran right down the middle of where they were doing
the subdural peel, he said that they may jump over that nerve and I'd have
seizures again. well they came back with a vengeance. My doctor up there
(Minnesota) just figured that since my seizures came back that they had jumped
that nerve so I was put on new meds and experimental ones and they all worked to
a point and then boom they stopped working. and then he would start all over
again with the meds. Well during that time my home life was down the tube and
was not getting any let you know abit about how it was... my ex would
not allow me to open windows he put paper across the front door window and back
door window he left me in the middle of a store with 2 young boys during a
seizure. he would not take me home when at work I had a whopping seizure and wet
my pants same place he worked at and they told him to take me ex was not
there for me when I was in the hospital for the 4 months of e.e.g.s as well as
not there for my 3 different surgeries(brain) to put the grid in and take it out
and the subdural peel. I had also had them put the v.n.s in.I had to find a way
home from the hospital because he wouldn't come and get me.Had to take the train
home and my girlfriend picked me up at the station.I got home and the house was
trashed our kids were filthy and not wearing their clothes like they were
suppose to because he wouldn't help them get dressed in the right clothes for
school and they ended up in their pajamas and shoes on the wrong feet for their
school pics....they were in kindergartner and 1st grade, the dishes were in the
bath tub and in the oven with mold and bad food in on on them...When the kids
were in 2cd and 1st grade is when I had the big surgery and I thank God
that one of their teachers took them to live with them during that time.I hope
you get the picture of how it was for me. Without even the thought of leaving
him I knew I wanted to talk with somebody about all of the crap he put me and
our kids through that I started to go to chat rooms to just talk with
people.Well I met my new hubby in one of the chat rooms about dogs lol.We talked
and got to know each other as good as you can in a chat the way my ex
new what I was doing as he read everything that I wrote to my new Friend he even
know it was a man and that we were going to meet in a month. He even took me up
to my hotel and dropped me off knowing who I was meeting there.He even picked me
up from the vacation and took me home!when we did get home I told him I would be
leaving him as soon as Dave my new Friend got things ready in Texas for me.To
make a long story short...I got divorced and married my new Friend...He is the
love of my life,the frosting on the soul mate.
when we moved to Illinois I had gotten a new seizure doc. and that is when I
had found out that I had pseudo seizures and I couldn't understand why i was
faking seizures when I wanted them no more...I was in denial and thought he was
nuts. I did go to the epileptic psychologist to talk and she explained them
more better and we talk about my life and what it was like and what it is now
etc. I went back to my epi. doc and asked him which ones were the epileptic
seizures and which one were the pseudo ones. and I could tell them apart by what
happened during them. my epilepsy psychologist taught me how i can talk myself
out of them by repeating to myself that David loves me and that I am safe no one
was going to hurt me anymore. I had to let the discipline that my father wash
away by facing him and telling him how it had hurt me emotionally and how I was
afraid of him. Even though I was 40 it still was in my mind.we now have a
wonderful relationship and i am not afraid of him no more. I also reaffirmed my
relationship with my Lord and Savior and have him on my side too.It has been a
long time to get where I am but I made it only with the love of my
hubby,kids,parents and God.there my life in a few short word hope it helps abit.

Trish (jiminycricketblue)

From: "" <>
Sent: Thu, August 26, 2010 5:54:13 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

How do you talk out of a seizure? This would sincerely help me!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Hope <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 15:15:53
To: <>
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

Good for you though Trish ... seizure free for a year. Keep it up girl. I know
as some of mine I can talk

out of too should I catch it in time.

Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "trish schobert" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

Yes I have the real ones too.that is why my doc. still has me on carbatrol.
Mine started when I was 2yrs old.

Trish (jiminycricketblue)

From: Julie Hope <>
Sent: Thu, August 26, 2010 10:59:31 AM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

Hi Trish

Have you ever in your life had the real kind though? Most people that have the
non-epilepsy ones have the

real ones too. Know I do. I have the real ones for sure, but there are times
when am sure they are the

non-epilepsy ones.
Our daughter had bouts of the non-epilepsy ones and they looked like the real
ones. Seeing she was already on

the real meds the Dr. taking the VEEG put her on a placebo type med. for
Good for you though ... am so happy for you.
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "trish schobert" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

Hi Tim,
I found out that i have them.At first i couldn't understand why i had those
but after working with my epi. psychologist i am now able to talk myself out of
them.I was also showed how my epileptic ones were different so now I have been
seizure free for almost a yr, My doc even took me off 2 of my meds i still take
carbatrol though.She says I may get a drivers license now if i want to.
Trish (jiminycricketblue)

From: TIMOTHY <>
Sent: Wed, August 25, 2010 8:52:27 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Psychogenic seizures.

Has anyone with uncontrollable epilepsy found they have PNES(Psychogenic
Non-Epileptic Seizures).These seizures do not respond to anti epilepsy
drugs(AED).Epilepsy seizures come on because of electrical activity.If you have
a non-epileptic seizure during a video EEG and it's not on the EEG but looked
like a seizure to nurses.It was probably PNES.A few people with real epilepsy
also have some PNES.
Tim Baldwin

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