Saturday, August 28, 2010

Re: [fast5] Re: Throwing food away


Great answer!  I sometimes reply to accusations of "wasting" excess portions: "Well, it's already wasted - the only outstanding issue is whether it needs to pass through my digestive system en route!"


On 28 August 2010 15:21, marty398 <> wrote:

"... food going into fat on my hips because I didn't need it was just as much a waste as food going into the bin."

Love this! It's a great answer when visiting and someone accuses you of wasting food or trying to force you to take seconds so something doesn't go to waste. But it really can't be used if you served yourself and don't eat what you took.


--- In, Kirsteen Wright <kirsteen.falconsfan@...> wrote:

--- SNIP ---

> It's so true, it took me years to realise that food going into fat on my
> hips because I didn't need it was just as much a waste as food going into
> the bin. As you said the savings start with buying less and i think that's
> where I struggle most. Once it's bought, if it's excess then it's already a
> waste regardless of what happens to it.
> Cheers
> Kirsteen

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