Wednesday, December 2, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: Who can you trust besides yourself ?


Hey Craig,

Trusting depends on how much you know a person or situation, and very often by your gut feelings from your experiences in life. Just my thoughts about it (smile). Take care, keep a smile on your face!


--- In, craig davis <ohs7778@...> wrote:
>               It almost happened again tonight. I was dong studying and all of a sudden my left side of my hear started feeling odd. I knew and thought, Is this going to ba another food attack and Grand Mal ?  Not knowing how it was going to be I quckly went upstairs to have my mom look at me eyes. Usually my eye pupils will dilate a lot when something is going to occur. After about 1 minute and the feeling remained, I went for my LOBELIA as I took about 1 tsp with 1 ounce of water. Within 2 to 3 minutes all the odd feelings I had were gone. I am so greatful I still have Lobelia around here. Some may ask and wondered what may had caused this. Of course MSG had to trigger it. We were at a Chic Fillet today and I knew they were one of hundreds of fast food chains that use MSG. Knowing MSG is in all the deep fried chicken patties they fry, I asked them about their broiled patties and I was told they had NO MSG in them. I told the gal that
> I would know 100% if she's right or wrong after 8 to 12 hours later after I eat it. Sure enough from 12:15 when I had the broiled pattie meal to 10:45 was when I had the odd feelings I had. I should had listen to what my brain was telling me as I was right when I thought I should not have eaten there, even after I was told NO MSG was in the broiled chicken pattie. I was thinking of the last time I ate there & I had a deep fried one and nothing happened exept some milder feelings that was less servere than this tonight. I thought broiled is better than deep fried so I was safe to eat that. Never again will I walk into a Chic Fillet at a mall or go into one anywhere. They did tell me that they use peanut oil when they fry what they do. I said to them, That does not mean M S G is not in it. Life can be a gamble if you trust the words of others who knows nothing. If any of you ignore this from me, don't ignore my brain and its reaction  to all of
> this. I was stupid to believe a person who only wanted me to buy a meal when she said NO MSG was in their broiled chicken meals. Hopefully this will make more people pay attention to what could cause their problems with seizures. This all happened for a reason. ????  Now that you know how things could happen and how something can stop something from happenning, it still confuses me WHY it happens even though I know the root cause of it all.  Craig
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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