Sunday, May 3, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: African herbs (Joseph)

hi jnanda,
           i got the name of the plant "nkar" which is Rhododendron is said the plant is similar to the native stock on the island of Hahajima but i do not know if they have the same healing strength.i hope you try this and see how it works.

--- On Sat, 5/2/09, jnanda <> wrote:

From: jnanda <>
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: African herbs (Joseph)
Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009, 7:25 PM

Joseph -

I am so glad you found an herb to help your child. I have had wonderful results with herbs for so many things, and my body responds well to them, and I truly believe they are here for us to use for our bodies, a gift of God and nature.

I went on the internet, and as you said there were not references to the name you gave "nkar" but some interesting information about the use of herbs in Africa for seizures.

If you could obtain the botanical name of the herb, then we would have something to reference it by.

What I have learned, is there are herbs in different parts of the world, that are similar to each other and their actions. For instance, there are two different types of Indian valerian that I use from the Ayurvedic tradition, that are similar to the western valerian more common in the US.

Many herbs can help the same condition, so it's a matter of finding the ones or combinations that work best for a particular person.

I have enjoyed learning about herbs and working with them for many years.. I have a pantry full of bulk herbs, and always something on hand to treat various illnesses. I prefer to buy my herbs bulk from reliable sources, so I know they are fresh, organic and have good potency.

If you are able to obtain the botanical name of the herb you have used with your child, I would be most interested in this information.




--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup, kadji Joseph Jr <kadjijosephjr@ ...> wrote:


> hi,

>    i got them from a friend who works in the limbe botanic garden in africa.a research centre and i have learn t so many things from him about what herbs can do.he told me that the herb is called "nkar" by the locals..



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