Sunday, May 31, 2009

[fast5] Re: fluoride

Dr Bert-

The best resource for the science on why not fluoride can be found here: .

Most European countries have banned the use of fluoride in public drinking water. Other side effects that weren't metioned in the video that Rob so kindly posted are possible increase in bone cancer risk as well as a lowering of IQ. Sodium fluoride was "supposedly" experimented with in Nazi concentration camps to subdue and sterilize the inhabitants. Not sure about that one, but a quick google search on "Nazis fluoride" brings up dozens of pages on the subject. I'd be curious to know for sure if that was true. But as far as brittle bones, bone cancer, osteoporosis, lower IQ, etc, there is tremedous amounts of documentation on these risks.

As an aside, my dentist does not recommend amalgam filllings or fluoride, but she uses fluoride because the ADA says it's OK and she can lose her license to practice for going against ADA rules. I believe she's currently changing her practice to a cosmetic dentistry practice partially for this reason. Mind you, she's a licenced immunologist with two years of heart surgery education before she switched to dentistry so she's no quack.

Rick Stewart
Living happily with no amalgams, no fluoride, and NO CAVITIES!

--- In, "Hey You!" <rob_up_north@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Bert Herring" <bherring@> wrote:
> > Rob, would you please elaborate on why you consider fluoride to be evil?
> Hi Bert,
> I am not a medical professional so I have to hear all the arguments from all sides and hope the truth finds its way to me. Over the years, I have become more and more skeptical about the effects of water fluoridation on humans. The closest I come to the dental profession is having a toothbrush and a sister married to a dentist for over 40 years.
> Check this out…
> Professionals Call for End to Water Fluoridation...

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