Friday, May 29, 2009

[epilepsy] Lamictal -- Brand Name vs. Generic (Rx Rate Increases) for EP

I'm new to the group, and appreciate your feedback.

After 13 years of experiencing
partial seizures (diagnosed by multiple neurologists as "panic
attacks"), I experienced a grand mal seizure 5 years ago. I was immediately put on 100mg of brand-name Lamictal, and have not had any seizures since. I
just found out that my Rx costs for Lamical have increased 600% (from $100 / 90
days to $615) because the mail order Rx company now offers the generic for
Lamictal. They insist that the generic for Lamictal is exactly the same formulation as the brand name, but I'm suspicious. I've read about seizure-free patients unknowingly being switched from the brand name to the generic, then suddenly suffering seizures. My doctor is adamant that I remain on the brand name, as he, too, is concerned that the generic formulation is different, and feels it's too risky to switch to the generic.

I have petitioned for an appeal with the mail order Rx company with a
letter from my physician, as well as my own impassioned plea, and have respectfully asked that I be allowed to continue with the brand name at the same cost as before the rate hike. I am awaiting their reply.

I'm hoping
someone from the group might have insight into 1.) their own experience of switching from brand name Lamictal to the generic and the outcome; 2.) if
they've had experience / success appealing the Rx costs to their health insurance company / Rx company; and 3.) if they have a contact at
GlaxoSmithKline. I believe some phara companies are offering their meds at
reduced rates to patients in need.

I look forward to any insight you can



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